Happy New Year!
It's been a while - actually, it has been a long while. But, I'm back and what better time than a BRAND NEW YEAR. Eeekk, the possibilities are endless my friends.
For the start of the new year, I have already set off to accomplish one of my goals, read more books. More like, read books because let's be honest, reading is always a goal of mine but this year I am more determined than ever to accomplish it. Last year, I did successfully read one, yes one, book. Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. If you have not read it yet, do yourself a favor and READ IT. I read it front to back in one week and for me, that is saying a lot. It is the perfect read to get you motivated to write your goals down and actually work towards them. To start myself off on the right track, I have started Hollis' Girl, Stop Apologizing and it is *insert fire emoji here*. I am only a few pages in but hey, it's a start! To hold myself accountable, I will share every Friday the takeaway I gained from that week of reading. I've always wanted to start a book club so maybe this could be it? If you want to read along with me, that would be SO cool. If not, that's cool too.
Moving on to the new year...
This year, I have decided to try something new - inspired by Rachel Hollis herself. I have committed to writing down my goals. It really helps when you find a cute new journal at TJMaxx that looks great on your kitchen table or perfectly accents your night stand. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my top goals for 2020 and how I plan to work towards those goals. This will also be my way of holding myself accountable. I find when we share our goals with others, we are more likely to stick to those goals and get the support we need. What goals will you be writing down for the new year?
With Love,
Miranda // @thefreckeledview